Accueil > Musique > Compositions > Lie Still

Lie Still

vendredi 30 septembre 2011, par Stéphane Kus

Mon premier morceau ! Premier enregistrement à la fête de la musique 2015 avec le groupe 21h01 et Franck au chant

Le 2ème fichier mp3 est un export de Guitar Pro.

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21h01 - Lie Still (FDM2015)
StephK - Lie Still


Lie Still, Words & Music by Stéphane Kus

- Couplet 1

Throwed down like a dead shell on the shores of the night
you lay awake in the darkness of the room
The oppressive thoughts which rushed all day long in your mind
are decreasing like the waves after the storm
Let all of them, let all of them go

- Refrain

Take a little time to feel the beat of your life (x3)

- Couplet 2

The moonless night wrap your mind like a smooth mantle
The impulses of your thoughts slow down as your heart beats
They fly away to the strange source of the wild sea
Where rest the peace of the body’s unconsciousness
Let all of them let all of them fly away

- Refrain

take a little time to feel the beat of your life (x3)

- Solo

- Refrain

take a little time to feel the beat of your life (x6)

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